Budokon Yobility Masterclass With Melayne Shayne

In this 1-hour Masterclass, Budokon Director Melayne Shayne breaks down this unique Budokon Yobility flow into individual transitions, guiding you through each one to reassemble them into a seamless, fluid sequence that will both challenge and intrigue you.

While the class flows smoothly, it’s paced slow enough to be accessible to Budokon beginners, allowing you to follow along and build confidence in your practice as you progress.

Class Bundle Includes:

    1. Budokon Yobility Masterclass - 60min

    2. How did you enjoy this Masterclass? Please leave us a review ;)

About this bundle

  • $15.00
  • 2 lessons
  • 1 hour of video content

"Join me on this discovery journey of of re-imagening your practice" ~ Melayne Shayne

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